Using Projects Configuration Page Using Projects Configuration Page

Using Projects Configuration Page

Within Settings (sidebar), you will find the Projects Configuration page which allows you to add, edit, and delete Custom Fields for projects. A Custom Field allows requirements that cannot be added to a compliance profile due to the information changing project to project to be added to the Compliance Requirements at the project level. 



This article contains the following: 

Types of custom fields

Adding a custom field

Editing a custom field

Deleting a custom field


Types of Custom Fields

1 Text: A Custom Field using the Text option allows users to type in the desired requirement when in the project.

For example, an organization wishes the project address be included on the certificate.

Since the project location will change with every job, a text custom field has been created with the custom field name as 'Project Location'. Now when setting up the project, the user can select to use the custom field and input the desired Project location which will now reflect on the list of requirements sent to the parties involved. 


2 Dropdown: A Custom Field using the Dropdown option allows users to select a requirement when in a project from a list of options.

For example an organization rotates through 4 different project owners and they require that owner to be listed on the certificate.

Since the owner varies for each project, a dropdown custom field has been created with the custom field name as 'Project Owner'. Now when setting up the project, the user can select the correct project owner from the list created which will now reflect on the list of requirements sent to parties involved. 


3 Number: Similar to the Text custom field, the Number option will allow users to type in the desired requirement.

For example an organization wishes the project number be included on the certificate.

Since the project number will change with every job, a number custom field has been created with the custom field name as 'Project Number'. Now when setting up the project, the user can select to use the custom field and input the desired Project Number which will now reflect on the list of requirements sent to the parties involved. 



Adding a Custom Field

1 Click the blue New Custom Field button.


2 In the popup enter the Custom Field Name.


3 Select the desired custom field Type.


4 Change color as desired by clicking on the colored dot to the right of the custom field Type. Note: This is helpful to stay organized when you have multiple custom fields.


5 Enter a Description if desired.


6 On the Associated Requirements tab, select the requirements where the custom field applies.

For example, if looking for the Project location this would show on the description of operations on a certificate and would typically be listed as an additional requirement under the Evidence of Insurance.


7 Complete custom requirement as it should appear to the party receiving requests using the

{{ value }} token to reflect the variable information that will be selected when creating a project.
Note: To correctly pull the variable information as desired, the value must be keyed exactly as shown. There is the option to copy the text by clicking the copy icon.


8 Click the blue Add button.


9 Click the blue Create custom field button.



Adding a Custom Field - Demo



Editing a Custom Field

1 Click on the Custom Field name or editing pencil to the right of the desired field needing updates.


2 Make desired changes to the Custom Field Name or Associated Requirements.


3 Click the blue Save Changes button.


Editing a Custom Field - Demo



Deleting a Custom Field

1 Click the trashcan icon to the right of the custom field needing to be deleted.


2 Confirm action by clicking the red Delete Custom Field button.



Deleting a Custom Field - Demo
